Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Glass Pans & Groceries

 Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! I hope you each are finding happiness in all the labors of love that you do!

This week was slower but with all things considered we were bound to have a slow down after going at hyper speed all the time! We had some good lessons with members! There were definitely some adventures
this week!

First off we had an amazing experience with Tammy! It all began with us being incapable of returning these glass pans which belonged to one of our ward members Sister Cabrales! For a whole month, we had been trying to return the pans to no avail! With this in mind, we went to Sister Cabrales to return them, we were determined to do so! When we hopped out of the car Sister Cabrales neighbor was putting away her groceries. We offered to help and then got to talking. It was a special and sacred experience but let's just say there was a reason why we weren't able to return those pans sooner. We were meant to be there for Tammy. God crossed our paths. We had another experience similar to the first with Tammy later in the week when we dropped by with Brother Campbell and delivered some chocolate to her! God truly does guide by His Holy Ghost!

The other cool experience was our lesson with Liydia! She came in pretty distressed and sad about things going on in her life but we were able to share about the Plan of Salvation centered on Jesus Christ and His Atonement! The lesson had started with tears but ended in smiles, joy and the Spirit abounding with everyone! Lidiya is more than ready for baptism! She desires it sincerely and greatly for herself and God! I'm so happy for her and for the Lord! 

Overall it was a good week and I'm excited for this next one! 

Love, Elder Habel 

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