Saturday, June 11, 2022

English class, Corn, Kittens, and Christ

Bonjour à tous! Mboté!

Once again, like every time, I truly do hope you are each happy and safe!

This week was really good! Why you might ask?

1) we were able to help many of our friends come unto Christ! One experience which has been special to me has been with the brother Duygué! When we first met him he was having problems with his family. Now, after applying the restored Gospel of Christ his family situation has become much better and he has become much much happier! Same thing for Sister Riche de Grace! She straight-up challenged everyone who wasn't baptized at her baptism to get baptized so that was awesome! I love these souls who are my dearly beloved brothers and sisters!

2) I saw a puppy and a kitten playing together so that was a win!

3) We saw corn! (For some reason Elder Kadiatia absolutely loved that haha)!

4) English course was fun as always and I was able to admire many wonderful enigmas created by our Heavenly Father!

So all in all it was a good week! I have come to cherish the confidence I have in my Savior. Truly above all He and my Père Céleste are the most important people to me! Why? Because They love me perfectly and They want to save me, my family, and all my friends! Truly I need Him!

Just like I need you.

He needs you!

Avec beaucoup d'amour, Elder Habel!









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