Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Full of Light & Free of Chains

Bonjour à tous, comment allez-vous? Hello everybody, how are you?

La famille va super bien? The family is doing great?

Vos affaires vont d'une façon merveilleuse? Your business is going wonderfully?

Welcome back everyone to another weekly with Elder Habel in the Congo! As always I hope you each are finding and pursuing much joy in your unique walks of life!

This week we had MLC which was very useful and eye-opening! I have come to realize by being humble and by being willing to learn life becomes a lot easier! We found a lot of inspiration for how we are going to tackle some problems we have in our zones!

Besides MLC I had the splendid opportunity to do a split with our Assistant Elder Tshiswaka! We were able to attend a district council with Nzoko! Thanks to some inspiration coming from God are vision was cleared and we found solutions to problems; notedly how to do missionary work more efficiently. We realized we need to teach more families with the members by relying on the Holy Ghost by teaching the true doctrine of Christ discovered in the Book of Mormon!


Also, we had an interesting reflection on the story of Jared and his brother who were led by God to escape the consequences of a people persisting in sin. To provide light to their submarine boats God touched 16 stones to give light as they crossed the great expanse of the ocean. The thought came to my mind that once the stones were illuminated there was never darkness in their boats. It is the same for us: when we act with faith, God touches our hearts so that we might always have His light with us. We can always have it in our life if we do not choose to throw His light out of our hearts (or their boats in their case). God is good. He wants to be happy and have peace.

Thus, to end a good spiritual week we saw a monkey tied to a tree! Kind of sad but nevertheless an interesting experience! Sin is a chain just like the chain is for the monkey! To be free we must let Christ break the chains of our sins!

I love each and every one of you! May we be full of light and free of chains!

Love, Elder Habel!


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