Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 The miracles this week:

-Sr. Corinne and her husband Fr. Dubrel are going to get married in July! Miraculously their family told them they just have to pay a symbolic dote (100 dollars) instead of the real one (4,000 dollars)! I know God truly can soften and change hearts!

-Elder Beya and I testified of Christ-like Alma and Amulek to a group of Anti-Christ! We used the Book of Mormon and the truths of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We were filled with power and their leader's heart changed before our eyes. He went from denial of Christ's love to accepting it!

-Fr. Willy received a confirmation from God that the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true! He read, meditated, and prayed! He said he was filled with peace! God is present in his life!



-Also, got some pretty epic shots with Elder Kingoma, Elder Mboungou rocking his latest style, a hamster, some eggplants growing on a bush, and a quite perfect sunset! 



So, as you can tell between the exchanges with Elder Neilsen, Beya, and Kimgoma we saw the hand of the  Lord often! 

I hope each of you has a great week crafted by His wonderful hands!

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel


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