Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Mpaka 1 with Elder Kiniona

Bonjour tout le monde! J'espère que vous avez eu une bonne semaine (Hello everybody! Hope you had a great week)!

To begin this week we had transfers and I got transferred all the way ...across the hall haha! I'm with Elder Kiniona in Mpaka 1 now. Elder Kiniona is a hard worker, a fabulous boxer, and most importantly he has the same desires as me. Our sector is bigger than Mpaka 2 so I've had to learn again what it is like to walk from rendezvous to rendezvous. That was fun to relearn haha. All in all, I am amazed at the Lord's ability to use us and to answer our prayers and how He truly prepares His children to accept the truth.

Concerning accepting the truth, this week we had the grand occasion to help nos frères (our brothers) Grace, Ilhan, David, Jeancy, Beni, Christ nos sœurs (our sisters) Nesta, Erina, Sandra apartenir à L'Église de Dieu (belong to The Church of God)! Their baptism was quite the party and everyone received their baptism with excitement and relief. That was a fun day!

As for funny stories let's talk about beans. Oui je t'ai dit les arichodes (layz ar-ree-co").

So we had beans Friday. Baptisms Saturday, and horrible events in my stomach throughout those two days. After the beans and the baptisms, we were in secteur. We had one rendezvous left at basically the other end of our sector. My stomach was in the process of informing me that eating cold beans for breakfast isn't a sustaining or edifying meal. I also know that Elder Kiniona walks fast. This was confirmed when he told me "Puisse-on marcher vit? Je n'aime pas le retard." ("Can we walk live? I don't like the delay.") Voici my dilemma: (Here is my dilemma:) go home and miss the rendezvous or walk fast and potentially have issues. Le Saint Esprit nous dira tout ce qu'on devra faire. (The Holy Spirit will tell us what to do.) So we started walking, and I started praying!

By the hand of the Lord, we hiked the 2 kilos or so, me trying to match the long elephant strides of Elder Kiniona. We taught Frère Réalité the reality of life: God is our loving Heavenly Father and His Gospel will bless us, and we were able to return home. Sans un problem (Without a problem).

This goes to show God answers prayers and il nous donnera la force d'accomplir tout ce qu'on doit accomplir ( he will give us the strength to accomplish whatever we need to accomplish).

Also, Elder Habel shouldn't eat too many beans. Silly Elder Habel.

Well, I hope you all are smiling for good reasons, and I hope you have joy and peace in knowing God loves you and your family. 

Keep smiling, it sure makes my world a whole lot brighter.

Je vous aime (I love you), Elder Habel




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