Friday, September 3, 2021

A Dance Party and Puppies

Bonjour à tous, mboté, et soyez le bievenue! Je vous aime beaucoup et je souhaite que vous alliez bien! Hello everyone, mboté, and welcome! I love you very much and wish you were well!)

Cette semaine était très bien passée! On avait beaucoup de rendez-vous! (This week was good! Lots of get-togethers with lots of friends!) We've been very blessed by the Lord! He has brought many of ses enfants (his children) into our care! 

This Saturday we had a super epic activity with the stake! All the youth came and they had a talent show! Mpaka 2 a gagné avec notre danse époupée et notre theatre!(Mpaka 2 won with our doll dance and our theater!) It really was quite the party! Our new members and our friends carried! They danced and acted admirably!

That's probably been one of the most joy filling experiences: seeing our friends making friends and becoming stronger and stronger in their faith in Christ.

Our love and our kindness which we show to others deepen conversion to the Lord. Truly we help others grow by holding up our light, the light of Christ. Your light is bright. Keep continuing à briller ta lumière brilliantement (to shine your light brilliantly)

You all have helped me grow with your light :)

Also, I hope you enjoy the video with the puppies! Definitely was thankful for those little guys!


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