Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Joy that Endures

Bonjour mes chères amis et ma famille precieuse! (Hello my dear friends and my precious family!) I hope you realize how much greatness you have inside of you. It's quite a lot. Infinite, I will declare.

I'll share one verse from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

In 3 Nephi 7: 13 Christ invites us all "O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?"

Return unto Christ, repent, be converted so He can heal you. Gratefully I know this is true. I have peace in Christ. I have joy because of how He has healed and is continuing to heal my soul every day.

This week I was able to see three spectacular souls healed by Jesus Christ and converted to Him. Repentance is a miracle we can partake of every day of our eternal life.

Sœur Nadine, Sœur Servie and Sœur Marina very powerful women. During our time progressing together; unlike any other, they each learned the importance of repentance and keeping God's commandments. Sœur Marina poured her soul out and confessed all her sins to Bishop Ndonga for 4 hours. Sœur Servie followed the Spirit and confessed a sin to us which was bothering her ("Dis la vérité ma fille," ("Tell the truth, my daughter,") He whispered to her). Sœur Nadine had to learn the joy of confession after she had her first baptismal interview. Our 2nd Counselor to the President told us after he had interviewed them; in complete and utter seriousness: "Elles sont speciuses! Soyez reconnaissant que Le Siegneur vous a donné ces sœurs." ("They are special! Be grateful that The Savior has given you these sisters.")

I had the honor to baptize each of them. Wow. They truly received a remission of their sins and a new life in Christ. They had tears streaming down their faces. Their souls offered praises from their hearts to the Savior silently and sacredly for rising them from their sins. They testified, each of them, after their baptism of how they were purified and had just been born again. 

Wow. Just wow. Their lives were truly changed. Mine has been changed by theirs. Joy was had. That joy endures.

I love each of you. Trust in the Lord. Life can be beautifully simple. Live the Doctrine of Christ. He loves you. Pray to Heavenly Father. He loves you. Follow the Holy Ghost. He loves you too. Keep them close to you by keeping God's loving counsel: the commandments.

Life is beautifully simple right now and full of joy. I hope you each have joy. If there is anything I can pray for on your behalf: tell me. It is the least I can do having been sustained by each of your prayers every day.

Avec sincérité, je vous aime, (With sincerity, I love you,) Elder Habel



Baptism day for Soeur Nadine, Soeur Servie, Soeur Marina



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