Monday, June 7, 2021


Bonjour tout le monde! J'espèrais que vous aviez tous une très bonne semaine quand j'étais dans sectour! Chacune de vous meritez le meilleur! (Hello everybody! I was hoping you all had a great week when I was in sectour! Each of you deserve the best!)

This week in the Congo we experienced and learned a lot. 

One being...

-Don't take time with good friends for granted. Elder Tshswaka and Elder Kiadiata were unexpectedly transferred Tuesday morning to an apartment closer to their sector. Ils me manquent! (I miss them!) We had a lot of goodbye pictures and hugs!

The second is...

-Don't lose the keys to your apartment or else you'll have to wait in your apartment doing nothing for 2 days. Let's just say we learned the hard way haha. It was cool though because I rediscovered my lanyard for my thread wallet. We are using it now for our keys. It's effective.


-Maas is a bugger. We had to update our phones for the new church internet safety app. We all met at the church to download the new version. That poor wifi. Imagine throwing 300 pounds on the bench press and telling the skinniest kid to do 20 reps of that. I'm pretty sure we killed the wifi which died in vain. Our abusing of the wifi took a whole day out of our week as well.

And the fourth...

-God is yet still a God of miracles. We had 2 full days to prepare our 5 friends (Soeur Patricia (14), Sr. Christelle (43), Sr Goreti (the mama of...), Sr Serena et Fr Guichel). I prayed Heavenly Father would prepare our friends for baptism while we dealt with our difficulties. He did. He did like He always does. 

I hope each of you can see Heavenly Father as a God of miracles and tender mercies. He loves you.

I hope I can love you like He does. Know you are doing great. The thing you are desperately in need of will come. 

Je vous aime avec sincérité (I love you with sincerity), Elder Habel

(Also we made fresh orange juice with brown sugar. Not in the slightest bit distasteful.)

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