Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Spectacular Alley-oop!

DC 58:12 "Voici, sa mission lui est donnée et elle ne sera pas donnée de nouveau."

D&C 58:12 "Behold, his mission is given to him, and it will not be given again."

This is how I feel about the mission. You only get one shot so take it. The important part is taking the shot, making the effort. You can miss it and all will be well. Like Shaquille O'Neal turning missed shots and clangers into arena shaking dunks, God is down in the post ready to make your efforts into a spectacular alley-oop! 

Take your shot. Send it wherever you are at. Each of you is incredible. Each of you deserves the best.

As you can tell this week was really good.

We sadly had to say goodbye to Elder Huff. He left for grand adventures in Diolise with Elder Winward. I have peace with the transfer because two friends who changed my life for the best will be able to be together. God is good!



We were preparing for the baptisms of our friends this week. I am happy to say we are instruments in His Hands to bring about the grand changement de cœur dans nos amis (the great change of heart in our friends)  A lot of them are amazingly becoming converted to the Lord. 

Here is one experience which was perfect. Earlier in the week, I had read and miraculously by the power of God gave training on conversion by the power of the Holy Ghost. We feel the truthfulness of the principles and the doctrine of Christ and His Church. We were in a lesson with Sœur Servie. We were discussing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Spirit was strong. You could see her faith shining in her eyes. You could feel the raw divine hope as she bore her testimony of her desire to live the Doctrine of Christ. She then said something which was astounding. "Je ressens que tout ce que vous avez ensiengé sont vrais" ("I feel that everything you have taught is true.") She felt the truth by the Spirit. Words cannot capture the celestial sentiments I felt. I have done my best to describe what it was like witnessing the miracle of conversion. 

God is real and good. Experiencing spiritual matters is the only way we can know they are real.

I love each of you. I know God loves each of you. Believe, love and do. 

Avec sincérité (With sincerity), Elder Habel 





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