Saturday, May 29, 2021

Miracles and Mice

Bonjour toutes les monde! Bonjour ma famille et mes amis! Comment!? (Hello everyone! Hello my family and friends! How? 'Or' What!?)

I am a very lucky person I've come to realize. I have the opportunity to write a heartfelt letter to some pretty amazing hearts and souls every week. I have had the chance and special honor to call each of you one of "mine" whether that be a friend, family, or companion. Know you are appreciated.

Now as for the week here:

Did we have miracles? Oh, you know it already!

Let's talk about one amazing miracle, Mama Sophie. She had stopped progressing a while ago. She didn't want to be baptized. So we let it be. Then our bishop wanted to go visit her. We said we would think about it. Time passed, we went to go visit her. You know how the Spirit will bring all things to your remembrance? Yeah, the Spirit did that for me. I remembered Bishop. We called him. He was down. We go to the church to meet up. We're running low on coins for transport. I'm stressing. He arrives. He has a car! What a miracle that was? Then we get there. He teaches according to the Spirit; family history, temples, the power of the Gospel in our lives. She's hooked. Wants to be baptized. Bishop is going to buy her new glasses so she can read the Book of Mormon! He's going to take her to their family home evening! All in all, God cares for His children. Also keep Mama Sophie in your prayers she has been feeling sick. 

Also, I want to let everyone know Heavenly Father answers prayers. My niece Sophie prayed for me to get better from my cough. I feel better! Thank you so much, Sophie! You are my hero!

Also, did we help people feel the Spirit and the Love of God? Roger that: we did that over and out!

We were able to start teaching these really wonderful people more this week: Sœur Goretti herself and her other two children Frère Guichel and Sœur Serena! Sœur Goretti truly does want to enter the fold of God! Truly her faith and humility are Magnifique! When the prophets talk about a broken heart and a contrite spirit they talk of Mama Gorreti! Also Sœur Servie and Sœur Marina. They are super eager to learn. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, temples, and the Plan of Salvation. The Spirit was strong. The Love of God was not any bit less strong. Let's just say here is a word of good learning: if we do the simple things God lovingly commands us to do; have faith, repent, renew and make covenants, be inspired always by the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure in this process of growth by lovingly keeping His commandments of love, we will receive His profound blessings. 

I also felt charity probably the strongest I have ever felt in my life today. We were teaching Frère Raunde, Dalvi, and Sœur Lydie and Marina about the message of Rétablissement (Restoration). My French wasn't the best at the time. I was thinking too much about what was going to say and teach. I forgot parfois les amis qui j'ai aimé. I forgot about the power of the Spirit. Then I remembered. I said within myself "Je dois me changer pour eux, mes amis" ("I have to change for them, my friends.") I really thought hard about this. When it came to me to speak again I looked into their wonderful eyes and beautiful faces, the lives of my friends. I realized who they ARE. I asked them if they felt the love of God for them and the Holy Ghost in their hearts. They answered in the affirmative. I wept. I expressed my love I have for them and the love I felt for them, the desires I had for them. The blessings I knew God had for them. The Spirit was powerful, so powerful I hope it was unto conversion.

I know God lives. I know He is good. Believe in Him. Pray to Him. Love Him and strive to emulate Him.

You will be happy. 

And I know each and every single one of you is meant to be happy. 

Sincèrement (Sincerely), Elder Habel 


Our house number and Soeur Danielle. She is the sister Cambell of the Congo Brazzaville Mission. Ils ont la meme souis!

Soeur Servie and her Pere, she is the cousin on Frere Junior. She is awesome!


Frere Dalvi and his brother Frere Raunde. They are studs!

    Ice cream from Casino, Burgers from Brazza Burger, and an ad with the one and only Donald Trump.

   I had to kill a couple of mice this week. The videos are NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! haha

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