Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Je vous aime tous


Mboté tout le monde! J'espère que vous avez tous eu un bon dimanche et un bon weekend aussi (Hope you all had a good Sunday and a great weekend too)!

This week we got to see a lot of puppies (chiots), kittens (chattons)and miracles! Our friends are progressing nicely grâce à sa main puissant (thanks to His mighty hand)! These people are honestly so amazing. They are pioneers despite l'adversité qu'il affrontent (the adversity they face)

A cool story. Sœur (Sister) Helena

We didn't have her number but she somehow found le notre (ours). She called us one morning desperately wanting to meet with us. We met with her. She told us elle avait besoin de l'orientation de Dieu dans sa vie (she needed guidance from God in her life). Wow! Dieu prépare ses enfants (God is preparing his children). Il la nous amenée (He brought her to us)! L'Évangile rétabli est le moyen que Dieu (The restored gospel is the way God) uses to orient us. So, all in all, she ate up what we gave her and we planned to see each other in 2 days.

But the story gets even better.

Right after we taught her my companion a reçu la révélation qu'on devait lui ensiegner une certaine leçon (received the revelation that she had to be taught a certain lesson)! Two days later we taught her this lesson. Avec étonnement elle nous 11a dit (With astonishment she told us):
"Je vous crois. J'avais les rêves pendant le soir hier à propos de ces choses mais je ne savait pas leur signification et j n'en comprenais pas. Je me demandais pourquoi ces rêves. Mais maintenant j'en comprends. Je comprends la vérité." ("I believe you. I had dreams last night about these things but didn't know their meaning and didn't understand. I wondered why these dreams. But now I understand. I understand the truth.")

Sœur Helena is very courageous. The Lord is very good and merciful. Elle connait la joie de la rédemption (She knows the joy of redemption)

And that's why I love this life. We can all know joy and eternal life grâce à Jésus Christ et la bonté de notre Dieu (eternal life thanks to Jesus Christ and the goodness of our God). It's there for the taking.

Je vous aime tous (I love you all)

À Dieu (To God), Elder Habel

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful stories and people that you are meeting and helping! as well as receiving such blessings being the mouthpiece for HIM. Love you so much and love that you have a great focus on the gospel.
