Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Charity is Patient


Bonjour tout le monde (Hello everybody)! I hope each of you had a good and edifying week!

This week we had "un consiel de zone" (zone meeting), un service du baptême et une activité de la paroisse (a baptismal service and a ward activity)! They were all a blast, and I'm very grateful for the fun and edifying experiences I had at each event! I really am amazed that I've been able to serve in both of the wards: Mpaka 1 et Mpaka 2! I have grown to love these people, greatly and deeply! Truly the Lord has created yet another ward family! 

Nos amis qui étaient baptisé s'apellent Frère Grâce, Frère Genèse, Sœur Charvie, Sœur Rebecca, Frère Emerson et Frère Bravene (Our baptized friends are called Brother Grace, Brother Genesis, Sister Charvie, Sister Rebecca, Brother Emerson and Brother Bravenel)! It was really cool because I knew and had the special oppurtunity to teach every single ami là (friend)! 

One of the many miracles from this week was when Sœur Charvie arrived right before her baptism...and I mean like right before. 

Sœur Charvie lives far away from the church, to begin with. We told her the baptism would start at 10....until the morning of the baptism we were told it would start at 8! To test my patience their phone didn't start working until 8:45. 

😐😑😐 (I hope I captured the pained blinking expression I was going for).

After waiting for a while we all decided we would start the baptism. It was 9:30 and there was still no sign of them getting there soon. 

But my collègue said we needed to wait till 10. Charity is patient. I learned that during this experience. 

It reached 10. Still no sign of them. We started the baptism. Heavenly Father loves His children. I decided to make one last desperate call, dreading the almost predestined "Désolé mais votre correspondant n'est pas disponible" ("Sorry but your caller is not available").

Miracle 1) The phone worked
Miracle 2) Her sister answered
Miracle 3) They walked right through the door and straight to us.

Sœur Charvie quickly got dressed and looked like an angel in white. After being baptized and confirmed she started speaking their language.

So all in all this week was good and every moment of my life confirmed to me God is in control. 

He is in control; I witness of that, and I testify to you He wants to help you control yours. 

I love you all deeply and I hope humbly as well. 

Love, Elder Habel



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