Tuesday, September 28, 2021

la bonté de Dieu

Bonjour à tous (Hello everyone)! Mboté! I hope you all had a good week and made plenty of good memories. 

This week we had the chance to have another service du baptême (baptismal service)! I am amazed and astounded by la bonté de Dieu (the goodness of God). Have been in both of the wards here in Mpaka. So, with this baptismal service, I had the occasion to see some of my friends I was teaching in Mpaka 2 get baptized like Sœur La Joie, Frère Ardy, Frère Emmanuel. The best news is there are more to come! Sur notre coté (On our side) we had the honor to baptise Sœur Laurene, Sœur Benecia, Frère Junior, Frère Abraham and Sœur Louise!

Then there was Frère Roman. Frère Roman was someone Elder Matak and I had randomly met at L'Église when I had first arrived. We started teaching him (it was really only 1 lesson) when we realized he was in the Secteur de Mpaka 1 (Elder Morris et Elder Mputu). They've been teaching him ever since. So when I heard he was getting baptized, I was ecstatic! I was absolutely overjoyed when I heard he wanted to have me baptize him! That was an absolute honor! 

So as I started, I would like to end with how I am amazed at the goodness of God. Elder Matak and I worked hard but never expected these kinds of miracles. We knew however He, our Heavenly Father, could do them. Now, here we are Mpaka 2 est fort et they are progressing (Mpaka 2 is strong and they are progressing); a garden of flowering sprouts with faith in Jesus Christ. Mpaka 1 is right there as well: the seeds have been planted, now it is time to harvest. 

This week I had a real impression that Jesus is the Christ. I know grâce a Lui les mondes sont fondés et créés (thanks to Him, that worlds are founded and created). I know He lives perfectly and loves perfectly so we can do the same. He is the Savior et le Rédempteur du monde (and the Redeemer of the world).

Have faith in Him. In His infinite atonement, you will see God work miracles in your life!

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

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