Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Chocolate Popcorn

Bonjour à tous! Sachez que je vous aime infiniment (Hello everyone! Know that I love you infinitely)! I honestly hope you all can feel our Heavenly Father love every day! Je prie que vous ressentissiez son Esprit chaque moment (I pray that you will feel his Spirit every moment).

This week was good. I got the covid-19 vaccine. As you can see, these photos perfectly capture my pain. It was alright.

This week I had some cool experiences with general conference. We made chocolate popcorn as we listened to conference. I had many questions going into this conference. Heavenly Father answered them instantly! 

I would like to share a little thought about repentance. Repentance is how we apply the grâce, miséricorde et mérites of Jésus Christ (grace, mercy, and merits of Jesus Christ) in our lives (2 Néphi 2: 6-8). In doing so He helps us become more like Him (Moroni 7:48, Mosiah 3:19). We convert our natural selves into our celestial selves by repenting and using l'Expiation du Christ (the Atonement of Christ). I have found peace, happiness, and joy in reforming myself to the will of God by repenting grâce au Christ (thanks to Christ) (Alma 12:33-34; DC 18: 10-17). 

It is a great and eye-opening experience to helps others come unto Christ. This experience should never end for us as converted disciples of Christ. 

I sincerely hope you are happy and safe. I thank each of you for the support that you have shown me!

Sincerely, Elder Habel

It's Anaconda, in case you were wondering. 

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