Tuesday, October 12, 2021

3 Kilos

Bonjour tout le monde! J'espère que vous allez tous bien et que vous êtes en train de trouver beaucoup de miracles dans votre vie (Hello everybody! Hope you are all doing well and finding lots of miracles in your life)!

Our week was very inspiring! Like usual the Lord showed His hand in many magnificent ways and through some very breathtaking people! 

This week we were very lucky to see many of our friends come unto Christ. I love helping others come to the Savior and be filled with His love. I stand as a witness that the blessings which come from His purifying love (which are infinite in number, and infinite in the density of happiness). Peace of conscience is something that God himself paid for with the Price of His Son.

So every time I can see someone like Sœur Cecilia understand that she can be sanctified by Him, my heart is filled with a reassurance que Dieu est réel (that God is real). 

Elder Kiniona is a stud. He loves to walk fast. One day we found ourselves contacting people in a part of our secteur where we haven't worked much. Elder Kiniona started booking it like usual and at this moment I was pretty tired. I prayed. I prayed that I could keep up with him and that I could have the ability to walk as fast as him. 

So here we are walking down the road and he starts walking even faster. I'm talking his pace is like an Olympic racer for walking! 

There's no way I should've been able to keep up with him. But I did! With the Lord's help, I started keeping pace with him! 

I'm doing all that I know: stride like the mom from "The Goldbergs", swing my arms like sasquatch, breathing slowly and deeply like I'm boxing with Bro. Campbell again. We are going stride for stride now. It was really funny because people started cheering us on!  《Ah regardez le mundèlé!》They said 《Ah le mundelé à la tête! Non c'est l'afrikain! Ah, c'est trôp proche à dire (Ah the mundelé at the head! No it's the African! Ah that's too close to say)!》

It was really fun, the Lord took my fatigue away, which felt miraculous. There were 3 kilos entre nous et la maison (1.86 miles between us and the house). We walked like that, in unity, all the home. 

Also, I found out once we were home the reason why we walked that fast all the home. Beans...My collègue loves to eat beans but they don't love him back, haha. 

I hope you enjoyed the story! The Lord answers prayers so we know He is and so we may have joy!

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel


Now, if you suffer from arachnophobia, stop here! 

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