Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Little things

Bonjour à tous (Hello everyone) et mboté! 

I hope you all are doing well! I hope you had a good week and that if you didn't that Dieu fera grâce et qu'il fera votre semaine merveilleuse (God will give grace and that He will make your week wonderful)

This week was good! We had a Zone Conference, which was awesome! The Lord knows each of us personally, and definitely makes available many opportunities to learn and grow! The Lord has been performing miracles for us! He has been making it very clear to us that He exists!

I hope you all can find peace and joy in knowing that God exists and that He loves you! I witness that if we keep His commandments because of our faith and love for Him, He will manifest His love to us. He does so by the power of the Holy Spirit. He does so by the power of redemption which was perfectly extended to us by His Son Jesus the Christ! I testify that God acts among us and He is guiding His people today like He did in ancient times by His servants the Prophets. Despite what the world might tell you God is there and He loves you.

Let Him guide you, and you will know He is there. You will have peace and joy. I have found this knowledge, this peace, and this joy in letting Him guide me. I know He can do the same for you in a very personal and loving manner. Read the scriptures. I love you all. I do all that I can for you au nom du Christ (in the name of Christ)

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

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