Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Obéissance, Amour et la Gentillesse

Bonjour à tous (Hello everyone) I hope you all are happy, safe, and doing good things!

This week was good as the Lord again performed His miracles for us! Honestly, I am grateful for all of you: you show me or you have shown me that God is good and He merits all the praise. In all reality, it's Him who makes this joyful work progress forward.

As for experiences from this week, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the truthfulness and the power of what God teaches us. We met with a family which we hadn't taught for a while: Sœur Reine et ses sœurs. We first met them after trying to teach their moms the law of chastity but....let's just say that didn't fly with them personally. However, they were completely willing to let us teach their daughters! We were teaching them for a while but school and traveling got in the way and we hadn't been over there for a good amount of time. So after a ratez-vous (missed appointment), Elder Kiniona had the impression that we should go over there. I agreed. We arrived at their parcel, 2 des filles nous ont vus et elles ont dit "C'est les missionnaires! C'est les soldats de Dieu!" (Two of the girls saw us and they said "It's the missionaries! It's the soldiers of God!") With excitement they let us enter the parcel and we talked with their mom. She let us start teaching them again!

Before we arrived they had been arguing. We taught them selon le Saint Esprit (according to the Holy Spirit). He taught them obéissance, amour et la gentillesse (obedience, love, and kindness). It was a beautiful sight to watch their sarcastic, poking, and prodding responses to our questions turn into real committed desires. That is the power of God. To change a heart and change a life. 

It amazes how missionnaires font cette œuvre (do this work). We are not perfect but we try. We don't deserve by our own efforts to obtain the power of God unto the changing of someone's life. God does not owe us this. Instead in His loving mercy, He gives us His power to change lives as we lovingly, hopefully, and humbly show Him our faith by improving ourselves by the grace of His son. I stand all amazed at what He has done for me and for those that I love. 

That was the experience I found to be especially moving this week: the changing of a heart and the desires within it.

As for funny experiences from this last week, I ate cow heart and it was really good. But....then it destroyed me the next day haha. I might eat it again tonight so...we'll see how that goes haha. 

I would like to sincerely express my appreciation and love for all of you. You have supported me with your light, your love, and your prayers. Like always, if I could request anything or something, please pray for me and my collègue (companion) that the people in our corner of the Lord's field will soften their hearts to the Spirit. 

Comme d'habitude, avec un amour sincère (As usual, with sincere love), Elder Habel

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