Thursday, November 4, 2021

He Loves You

Bonjour et mboté à tout le monde (Hello and mboté to everyone)! Wa fasso? I hope you all are doing well and are safe! I hope each of you was able to see the Lord's hand in your life each and every day! 

This week was honestly quite spectacular! We had a lot of trying and testing moments but all in all grâce au Seigneur (thanks to the Lord) we were able to see Him do some grand favors for us!

Elder Lucas and I were able to go to secteur together a couple of days! Elder Lucas is a man who comes from America but teaches and testifies like he just arrived from a celestial realm! It was amazing as we were able to teach some really powerful lessons together (and take some cool pictures of plants as well haha)! 


Another important event from this week was that we worked with a lot of members! Frère Yanick helped us out a ton! He contacted people boldly, he caringly washed dishes with me and he found many reasons he had to be with us! We have some amazing ward missionaries!

We also dabbled in cooking cinnamon toast, pancakes, and french toast. Toast has changed our mornings forever! 

To top it all off we were able to hold a baptismal service for our dear friend Sœur Cecilia! She prepared herself amazingly for her baptism and I strongly feel she is going to keep her covenants for all of her life! What a wonderful thing to see people receive promised blessings from a loving Heavenly Father! 

This month was hard but full of conversion and very tender mercies from the Lord. I know the Lord loves us so much. He gave His Son for us so that we may become like Him. His grace will change your life and make you a happier, better, and peaceful person! He has done this for me and it has filled me with His Spirit, His love, and His perfectly hopeful joy! 

I hope you enjoy this week's letter. I hope and I pray often that each of you can feel the perfect love that Heavenly Father has for you, an awareness that you are His child, and that you can have many experiences with His Holy Spirit! He loves you. He wants to take you by the hand and personally guide you! 

Avec sincerité et amour (With sincerity and love), Elder Habel

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