Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Back to Brazza

Bonjour, Mboté et hello! I hope you each are doing well and that this last week was well passed. I hope you each can find many peaceful and happy moments despite the hard times.


This week I got transferred back to Brazza! I'm in an area called Mafouta and my new collègue is called Elder Mboungou! He is from Point Noire and knows everyone I know from there! He was a DMP and he has a really upbeat and positive attitude! 


As for events that happened this week, we found someone very rare to find in the Congo: a new friend who's already read the Book of Mormon and who is married as well! He has the gold ring and everything! His name is Frère Michelle. The Spirit led us to him and I'm glad the Lord was able to use us as His instruments. 

Sometimes He gives hard things so we can choose to let Him prevail in our lives. Before we had found Frère Michelle we had had a rendezvous fall through after walking 20 minutes in the blazing sun and chocking humidity to arrive there. So yeah, good things will come if we choose to show our faith in Christ. 

Well, that's all for this week. I'm gonna miss Mpaka et mes amis (and my friends) but I know the Lord has sent me here for a reason.

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

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