Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"Code Level: Midnight"

I would like to start by thanking you all for the birthday wishes! They made my birthday a day I will never forget! We celebrated it well with pizza and soda!

Concerning this week we were able to visit some members who needed to feel some love. Some had not gone to church for quite a while and others had been forgotten and left behind. There were many sweet and tender moments as we expressed to them the love the Lord has for them and our love as well. I think my favorite phrases were《Je me sens comme toutes ces choses me parlent directement》et 《Je sais que Dieu m'aime》("I feel like all of these things speak directly to me" and "I know God loves me." It was a gentle and pleasing reminder that; yes, God loves us and that; yes, God remembers us always. Knowing these truths and acting upon them brings happiness and peace. I have seen it in my life and I know He wants to show you it also. 









As for funny experiences, I learned that bats love to follow sound! As you can see this bat decided to call our home his home.

We were wondering how to get him outside when I remembered a trick my family has used to get birds out of the house. So, I went to go approach the bat who was shifting back into his corner of the stairs as his last defense. I went to go reach for him when the playing field changed. The power went out! Everything was completely and utterly dark. Oooof. All I could do was chuckle at my bad luck. Thankfully I didn't get bit or anything because I was definitely waiting for a Michael Scott quote to come from the bat saying "Oh how the turned tables." and then for him to go full out "Code Level: Midnight" on me. If these "The Office" quotes don't make any sense to you I'm sorry. If they do make sense...your welcome mainly for the imagery of Michael Scott the bat attacking Elder Habel in the pitch black in Africa.

So later on the bat started flying all around downstairs. We decided to open the door so he could escape. To facilitate his escape I led him with the sound of my voice to the door. That worked and our little friend is now frolicking in the jungles of Africa. 


Well, I hope you enjoyed this weekly! I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Au revoir avec amour (Goodbye with love), Elder Habel



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