Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Bonjour, mboté and howdy y'all!

I hope you each are happy, healthy, safe, and enjoying life and the twists and turns which come with it.

This week definitely had some twists and turns which all led to good things!

We met with some members by some miraculous manners. One, we couldn't find one of our amis (friends) so we went to go find some members to talk to. We were heading down a road and got to a classic intersection of choosing the right or left. A person who just happened to be there and who just happened to know some members directed us to a family. Many missionaries had passed by there before and in remarking that he knew where we wanted to go haha. We were talking to the mama and the son of this family when their papa arrived just in time to see us. He has been in need of a priesthood blessing for a long time and it was pretty cool how we were able to answer a prayer. 

In visiting the members we had some very courageous sisters make a return to the church! My heart was so filled with joy to see these precious people act courageously upon their faith in Christ! 

All in all, this week we were able to help many people feel and act upon the love of God. What a miracle. I hope to give more of my love and His love to these special souls of Mafouta in the coming days. I hope each of you has a great week this week. The Lord loves you infinitely.

Love, Elder Habel

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