Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Little Things

Mes chères amis et ma famille préciouse, Salut (
My dear friends and precious family, Hi)! 

I hope every little thing is going and is alright in each of your lives. You have kept moving forward this far already. Each of you; and you especially, deserve the best.

Keep striving for it.

This week in the Congo was uniquely magnificent like always. We are pretty blessed to live lives in which we can say that. We had the unique concern of striving to find those who are ready for the Gospel. 

We found Frère Stanislas, Sadly, I think I have butchered his name to a pulp, by Sœur Goretti! He went to catholic school in Côte D'Ivoire studying to become a priest when some wars derailed his studies. He is very spiritual. At first, it appeared we wouldn't get anywhere with him. He did not, and I think still does not, like my French. He tried to one-up us in his knowledge. So it was until we started to teach the plan of salvation. As we taught him about how we lived with our Heavenly Father and accepted His plan to become like Him before this life, he was touched. As we explained how the fall of Adam was necessary for us to come here to earth, he was enlightened. We taught that we are redeemed by Jesus Christ alone. When we taught these truths he exclaimed, "Vos paroles ont touché mon cœur." ("Your words touched my heart.") The Lord touched his heart. Wow! 

Is it strange, Sœur Goretti told me that Frère Stanislas has a drinking problem after our discussion. I felt a soul establishing confirmation that we were supposed to meet him. It didn't take too long for him to reveal this fact himself. After 20 minutes he returned hammered drunk and jumped rope with some kids like the "dum dum give me gum gum" statue from "Night at the Museum". I know the word of wisdom can change lives exactly like his. Knowing the commandments of God can change our lives and the lives of others for the best!  What joy I felt when we saw him at church with us! He loves our little library! God is good and wants to save each of His children. Here's to hope and hoping!

I also had the pleasure to do a little split with Elder Lucas and Elder Kiadiata! They each have living and growing testimonies of God! It was a blast to visit nos amis as an equipe de trois (our friends as a team of three)!

As you see, we were blessed this week. Like every week. I pray each of you is happy, safe, and well. I strive to do my best for you. 

Avec sincérité (With sincerity), Elder Habel






1 comment:

  1. What an amazing representative of Christ's church! Love and prayers, The Madsens
