Monday, July 5, 2021

"Look Closely and Hear Intentionally"

 Bonjour tout le monde! (Hello everybody!) I love you all a lot! I hope you each had a good week! 

This week was full of little changes. We had transfers. Elder Konan and I are no longer companions...but we are still in the same apartment! We're training now as well! Elder Tshikoyi is my new companion! Il vient du RDC et il a 21 ans (He comes from the DRC and he is 21 years old!) Elder Biouni is Elder Konan's new collègue. Our sectour is super new...but also just our old sector divided, haha. On another note, I am a chef de district now! (district chief now!) Well, for one day at least. My district was quickly absorbed into Elder Konan's "mini zone". Being a district leader was good, a thrilling experience, haha.

Speaking of thrilling experiences here is one before I go. We taught the daughter of Sœur Nadine: Sœur Claudia. The Spirit was there but we didn't really teach her well enough about the Church of Christ during His ministry. This bugged me. Usually, that doesn't happen. In the end, she confessed she wasn't interested: she was content with her church. I felt deeply that I couldn't allow her to not have the opportunity to see what was plainly before her: the Church of God. I didn't teach, the Spirit did. I was pulling scriptures out left and right. My french was understandable. If you know me,  usually I "choke" at the end. Need to get one cornhole to win the game? I won't even hit the board. Need to just get just 1 more pin to get over 100 in bowling in the final frame? I'll gutter the only 2 chances I have. So you see at that moment I was praying "please don't let me choke." I wanted to make the shot, hit a pin. After the Spirit finished teaching her the doctrine and principles of His Church, clearly displayed in the Bible, I presented to her a page from the Liahona magazine with all of the photos of His modern-day disciples. 1 prophet, 12 apostles, and 70 disciples. Did I choke? Yes? No? More importantly, did she believe? Well, her response was, "How can I join the Young Women's?" He answered my prayer. He tenderly revealed Himself to His daughter.

I love you all. God is among us. You just have to look closely and hear intentionally. He loves you. He wants you to fully receive His blessings by being a part of His people. 

À Dieu (To God), Elder Habel.

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