Monday, July 5, 2021

Prayer and Service

Bonjour tout le monde! (Hello everybody!)

I hope you all had a good week because you deserve to have not only one but many good weeks. An infinite amount I should say.

We saw many miracles this week! The Lord presented before us many opportunities to serve the people here: carry water, sweep houses, and clean. All were unplanned but each of them was special as they led us to where the Lord needed us to be and who He needed us to find. We met Frère Dalge, Frère Daniel, and Frère Emmanuel all from serving others! The Lord truly gives us opportunities to be angels on earth by loving serving others!

The power of prayer is real. I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father who lovingly answers prayers. Once you start seeing His responses, your life will be changed forever! Praying for others is service. 

So on that note, let me know if there is anything I can keep in my prayers for you! I love you all individually. Know that you have access to the strength and power of angels and our Savior Jesus Christ through prayer. They love you!

I love you too :)

Avec sincerité, Elder Habel

Enjoy the pictures!




















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