Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Change of Scenery

Bonjour tout le monde! (
Hello everybody!)

Let's get started!

First off this week was really fun! I got of change of scenery when I went on an exchange with Elder Kaniki! We worked really hard from sunrise to sunset which made me really happy! When we met our first friend Fr. Ange we were talking about the Plan of Salvation when he brought up a question about forgiveness of sins! We testified of Christ and His ability to cleanse us of our sins! There were tears in his eyes and the Spirit created a very still and peaceful ambiance. 

Then his dad came and tried to bash with us for an hour. 

But don't worry the Spirit helped us out. He went from seeking to destroy us to a softened heart and taking a new meeting with us. The Power of the Spirit is real. It reduced his doubts to rubble. 

Then we had a zone council this week! That was really fun! By the middle of the council, we were in what felt like a Pirates of the Caribbean sword fight with "the word." Nothing serious but trying to keep the word from going too off-hand felt like being Jack Sparrow trying to fend off a crew of angry pirates. I love our zone! It was a really productive meeting! We grew in love and even did a KAHOOT! Let's just say KAHOOT is just as fun in Africa as it was in the States during high school! The video shows we have a very "Office"y vibe to our zone. (I just hope that doesn't mean I'm completely like Michel haha).

After that, we had another exchange with another team of missionaries! This time I was with another American elder, Elder Warth! We had an awesome day together as we were able to work for the Lord from sun up to sun down! We taught with authority and power because of our unity! We even gave a Priesthood blessing together to a sick poor mama (Mama Sophie)! Fr. Davido and Fr. Mardoché were with us this day and after having worked with us they told us excitedly that if we ever needed anyone to work with again that we should call them! "C'était formidable!" ("It was great!")

We had the baptismal service for Sr. Esther the day after our MLC where we had Mexican food! I don't think the joy of eating Mexican food after basically a year can compare with anything else temporally. Is it strange that that was a huge answer to my prayers? Maybe. Haha but MLC was really good as we got to the basics of centering our lives on Christ! 


Now back to the baptismal service. Because water was once again a problem we had to go to Guynemer for the service. That was a bit stressful trying to move all of our friends who came to somewhere they didn't know but grâce à Lui (thanks to Him) it all worked out alright! After waiting for 3 hours we had a really good multi paroisse (ward) baptismal service! I was very grateful to be with a lot of members, friends, and missionaries during such a joyous occasion! 

On Sunday Sr. Esther came late to sacrament meeting so she didn't get confirmed a member. That'll be next week. I have learned the Lord really wants me to learn patience. Like really badly haha.

And I love Him all the much more so because of that! 

I hope you each feel loved and cared for! As you can tell God can help us have a very content and happy life! Till next week...

(Also enjoy the picture of the spider. Is it bad that they don't even freak me out anymore?)

Avec amour (with love), Elder Habel


1 comment:

  1. So glad you're doing well and have such a positive attitude. Learning patience seems to be a life long goal. I'm still working on it! So happy for you. With love The Madsens. Scott & Judie. Oakwood Ward
