Tuesday, February 15, 2022

His Charity is Perfect

I got peed on by a turtle. 

Bonjour et mboté à tout le monde! Hope each of you is happy, safe and that you feel and search for God's presence in your everyday life! 

Elder Konan and I worked really well together once again. We saw many of our old friends and recent converts! It was really fun this past week! We had plenty of Rendez-vous which canceled but that didn't stop us! We saw many miracles this week as the Lord led us by His Hand to run into, contact, and find many wonderful people! Also, Fr. Mardoché, Davido, Adolphin, et Fr. Jeancy passed their interviews for their baptism so whoop whoop! 

God is good, He loves you and He answers prayers. He forgives us and He blesses us. That we may listen to Him every day and to His Spirit. They will lead us to do everything that we must do to have joy (2 Néphi 32:5). They will point us to Christ who loves us with a love that surpasses all possible comprehension. Voilà an example from the Book of Mormon: another testament of Christ.

Alma 26: 32-33 (in the lense of Christ)
"32 Car voici, il a préféré sacrifier sa vie plutôt que d’ôter la vie à son ennemi (nous voir Mosiah 3:19, John 15:13) ; et il a enterré sa volonté profondément dans celle-ci du Père (Mosiah 15:7) à cause de son amour pour ses frères.
33 Or, voici, je vous le dis, y a-t-il eu un aussi grand amour?..."

Alma 26:32-33 (in the lens of Christ)
"32 For behold, he would rather sacrifice his life than take the life of his enemy (we see Mosiah 3:19, John 15:13); and he buried his will deep in the Father's will ( Mosiah 15:7) because of his love for his brothers.
33 Now, behold, I say unto you, has there been such great love?..."

No. His charity is perfect. He loves you!

I love each of you too! Have a great week! 

Love, Elder Habel

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