Sunday, February 13, 2022

Not Coincidences but Manifestations of God's love!


Let's get this thing started!

This week was good! We were able to progress really well with lots of friends and we were also able to find a couple new people to teach by meeting with our members! We were able to celebrate the birthday of Elder Kombo (Fr. Yanick) who is in our zone! It was a really good week but not unexposed to difficulties!

We received transfer news and found out that Elder Sindika was getting transferred to Nkombo! We have really enjoyed working together and didn't want to split up because of how well things have been going in our area! However so so sad this was it was followed by some good news! I am going to receive Elder Konan again as my companion! He is going to be a zone leader with me! We are very excited to heat things up again in our zone! Miracles are on their way!




We also got to see a wedding at the church on Saturday! Lots of dancing, loud music, and food! Nothing fancy but it sure was fun and even more so as I saw many wonderful people I've been missing like Sr. Soungi, Fr. Guichel, Sœur Junelcia, and Fr. Cléo! People that I love have been just happening to bump into me in the streets and random places. Definitely not coincidences but manifestations of God's love!

I hope you each enjoy the pictures we took this week and I sincerely do hope that each of you is safe, happy, and well-taken care of in all senses physically and spiritually!

Love, Elder Habel








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