Friday, February 4, 2022

The Book of Mormon


This past we had zone conference, interviews, and I went on a split with Elder Huff! We had a lot of cool experiences!

1) "Wow I like this Néphi guy!"

We were on our exchange when we taught one of the friends of Elder Huff the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were led to use a couple of scriptures from the Book of Mormon to explain some principles. After much head nodding and "aha" moments she was astounded once again by the scriptures and she exclaimed excitedly "Wow I really like these! I really like this Nephi guy!"

She then told us she had been thinking earlier she was only going to read the scriptures every now and again but during our lesson, she declared she's going to read them every day of her life! The change of heart. We saw Heavenly Father do it in a matter of minutes! 

2) "Can I take a picture of that?"

We then went to go teach the brother of a recent convert Frère Carmen. Sadly he wasn't there. We ended up talking to his other brother and we taught once again using the Book of Mormon and the Bible together! His brother was astonished by passages such as Alma 11:40, Mosiah 3:5-10, and Mosiah 8:17-18. He kept saying how these scriptures clarify scriptures in the Bible! He asked us in all sincerity if he could take a picture of the scriptures and send them to his friends! All in all, my testimony of Christ got strengthened once again by the Book of Mormon: another testament of Jesus Christ. 

3) "It's all true!"

This one was with our friend Mardoché! Once again it is tied to the Book of Mormon! We had invited him to read Moroni 10:3-5 by himself. He read it. He understood it. Then he prayed with a real intention to receive an answer from God! He received an answer. 

At church, he explained to us that he felt the greatest joy, happiness, and peace he has ever felt in his life. He knows it's true! All of it! God truly is our loving Heavenly Father, Jésus is the Christ, and Their Love will never give up on us and will always want to play an intimate part in our lives!

Thus you can see the Book of Mormon has played a big part in my life, the lives of others, and the plan of our loving Heavenly Father. I testify it truly testifies of Jésus the Christ and of His love! Jetez-y un coup d'œueil et je vous promets que vous ne serez pas déçu (Check it out and I promise you won't be disappointed)!

Well, that's all for this week! Hope you each have great moments every day of your lives! 

Avec amour jusqu'a la prochain fois (With love until next time), Elder Habel

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