Saturday, January 29, 2022


Bucket showers! 🚿🪣

Flushing with buckets! 🚽🪣

Cooking with bucketed water!👨‍🍳🪣

These are all of the things we became really good at this week! 

So yes, bonjour and mboté to every single one of you! I hope you each had a very inspiring and well-passed week and weekend! 

This week a lot changed:

1) We moved from our nice bougie solar pannel powered apartment to.....a not very bougie and not very solar pannel powered apartment! It was the apartment I left (escaped) before I went to Point Noire. We've been able to survive which has been a tender blessing! I have never had a greater appreciation for running water! What a God-given luxury! 

2) We went on exchanges with Elder Kabala and Elder Mboungou! Elder Kabala is very humble and nice when you are around the house with him. Very fun to hang around. Now put him into Elder Kabala teaching mode and....he becomes like an apostle with his teaching and Christ with his diligence to spread His Gospel! I really enjoyed being with him!

3) We saw a ton of life-changing miracles for our friends and the members of our ward! We made the goal to help bring 8 of our friends to church. With the help of prayer, the members, and the Lord, around 18 people came to church. We were also able to help a couple of friends make the commitment to be baptized! Fevrier Le 19. We hope to help Frère Christ Farkel, Frère Mardoché (a super good story there) and Frère Christ Djoltany enter into the Lord's flock! So, if you would, please pray for these special young men that they'll always remember God's love for them and that they'll be able to prepare themselves for their baptism! It truly was an epic week! Faith in God works! 


Thus was our week: tough, gritty but all-around miraculous and heart softening! 

I hope each of you can feel profoundly God's love in your lives. Search Him and He will let Himself be found by you. If there is anything I can keep in mind and pray about for you let me know! He is always very happy to help!

Avec amour, Elder Habel 



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