Friday, January 21, 2022


Elder Doctor Bjorkman looked over the screens of the weakening and despaired Elders of the Congo Brazzaville Mission through his computer. After months of fighting, ignoring malaria prevention rules, and the mounting malaria cases all seemed lost. The mosquitos of Congo were on the brink of total victory

The annihilation of the Mundelé kind seemed imminent. 

Yet these disparaging facts did not deter the determination of the fiery anger of our dear Doctor Bjorkman. Uttering with fierce determination he said speaking of our fiercest, most intimidating enemy: the mosquito, "We will meet them at the coasts and in the streets. We will fight them in the air, in the apartments, and in the secteurs. We will attack them with our hands and our insecticide. WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

Mboté and bonjour! Hope you all enjoyed the Congo's take on the Winston Churchill speech! As you can tell we've had some problems with malaria in the mission to the point where we had a mission-wide call about it with Doctor Bjorkman the regional doctor of the church! There were some golden quotes that came from that! Let's just say we learned a lot and we are going to fight much harder to not get malaria. 

As for this week like always the Lord gave us some tests and some success! We met with a couple members from our ward (which was awesome) lots of friends, and we even went out with our Elder's Quorum President, President Arcy! God's work is a lot more effective and fun when we work together and this fact really shined brightly this week! 

One miracle from this week that God gave us was the fact I saw Frère Chance and Frère Guichel before our district council this Wednesday! Elder Konan and I had helped them get baptized when I first arrived here in the Congo! I hadn't seen or heard from them in forever which was really a load for me. When I saw them walking up to the church building I hurried on out to meet them! We had quite a joyful bear hug reunion! This miracle showed me God really is very present in our lives!

So to be brief, I hope each of you can see Him daily in your lives! He loves you and cares about you! He is willing to reveal Himself to you if you seek Him with all of your heart (Jérémie 29:11-13)!

I love each and every single one of you and the Lord loves you even more! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Habel

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