Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Flirt to Convert

Bonjour, mboté, and hello to each one of you! I hope life is treating you each very well! You each are wonderful lights in my life! Keep shining bright and highly!

Quarantine this week thankfully wasn't 10 days! We got out early because I started filling much better (thanks to your prayers) and we all tested negative! So we had a couple days to go back out and do the Lord's work in the field! Honestly, it was quite a wonderful miracle! 

God's work is advancing in our paroisse (parish)! One of our friends Sœur Esther came for the first time to church! She really enjoyed it! It is great to see people smile! A funny moment from church was that one of our friends Frère Berthely (he is 19 like Sœur Esther) had need of a Book of Mormon. So I brought one to church to give to him and when I saw him I gave it to him as promised. All was well. Then after turning my back for 2 minutes I turned around and there he was talking with a gigantic smile to Sœur Esther and he very kindly gave her his Book of Mormon, something we were waiting to give her this week! So I guess you can say it's at least somewhat helpful when those you teach apply chapter 14 amongst themselves to flirt to convert. Now as I am writing this I really hope this doesn't turn into a problem haha. 

To close I would really just like to testify God created all things by His Son for us because He loves us (DC 59: 16-21). Think of all the amazing vastness and beauty of nature and this universe. Think of how all this was created for you! For us! This has really given me a desire to learn all I can and admire all of God's beautiful creative masterpieces! 

God loves each of you perfectly and His Son has already paid the price for all our weaknesses, pains, and mistakes because He loves us! May we use continuously with reverence, joy, and humility His loving and healing power of His sacrifice and resurrection! I love every single one of you and I hope you have a very joy-filled week!

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

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