Tuesday, January 4, 2022

"bonne année"

Bonjour et mboté! Hello to every single one of you!

Like always I'd like to begin by expressing my hope that you each have had some wonderfully joyful experiences this week! Bonne année and Happy New Year to every single one of you!

New Year in Africa is fun! People get dressed up, go to parties, dance, and then to tie it all off they shoot off fireworks and bang random kitchen tools together screaming "bonne année" at the top of their lungs! I'm astonished it's already 2022 and I'm very excited for that which is to come: more miracles, college, family, etc!

Now as some of you might've heard I am in quarantine right now for Covid. I found out this Thursday. Quarantined till next Monday. Not the words a missionary would like to hear but hey, such is life and sometimes life is meant to be a test. So I'll have fun taking my test haha. Time in the apartment is spent by lots of studies and talking...maybe a little bit of napping too haha. It has passed by well already and with Elder Call's and Sindika's cooking, I am sure it will continue to pass along ever so smoothly! 

As for a spiritual thought, I love what the Savior says in Matthew 10:40
"He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me."

May we live our lives after the manner of Christ. Why? Because our Heavenly Father loves His children infinitely and He wants to help them. When we follow Christ's example we let Heavenly Father love, talk, teach and serve His children one by one. Truly God is with us and for us. 

He loves you, Jesus Christ loves you, the Spirit loves you and I am trying my best to love you like them. Have a great year and may you ever feel God's presence in your life and heart.

Avec amour (With love) Elder Habel



  1. And these ARE THEY who have published Peace,who have brought Good Tidings of Good,who have published salvation;and said unto Zion:THY GOD REIGHETH!And O how beautiful upon the mountains were their feet!And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that are still publishing Peace!And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who shall hereafter publish Peace, yea,from this time henceforth and Forever!And behold,I say unto you,this is not all.For O how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bring the Good Tidings, that is the founder of Peace, yea EVEN THE LORD, who Has Redeemed His people;yea,him who has granted salvation unto his people...Your Grandpa and Grandma Habel and your entire family are so very proud of you Elder!LOVE your uncle Clyde
