Thursday, December 30, 2021


Bonjour, mboté, mboté zéno et joyeux noël (Merry Christmas)

I hope you each had a very wonderful, memorable Christmas! I would like to thank you for the Christmas well wishes! They made my Christmas! 

Speaking of Christmas, this week to celebrate we had a fun mission activity with Président et Sister Magre! We ate some good food (crèpes and manyoak) and watched "The Fighting Preacher"! We also read "The Giving Tree" all together which was a very heartwarming read! If you haven't read it yet you should read it as soon as possible! It's a goodie! 

To celebrate the season we also sang some Christmas songs all together as a mission choir! It was fun to exercise my voice once again! I learned again I like to sing but...I also was reminded I need to learn how to read music haha. I thought French or African Boonie languages were hard to read but no no no, music is hard to read! That'll take my head for a spin that's for sure haha. Voilà! My goal for the new year: learn to read music. 

As for Christmas day, it was nice to talk to the family and to have some mangez-vous with the ward members! Christmas strangely has a very 4th of July feel here in Africa. You could honestly think of it as Christmas in July! It's hot, humid, everyone's getting pretty for the evening by doing their hair (both the guys and the girls) and there's lots of grilling going on! Then when it got dark that's when the fireworks started! Not big ones more like knock-off firecrackers! It was a good way to celebrate the birth of the Savoir! We also ate chocolate chip pancakes the night, which was awesome! Hats off to Elder Call for the delicious meal!

Some quick updates: I got transferred from Mafouta! I'm going to miss them so much! I'm working with Elder Sindika now in Makelékelé! I'm a zone leader, I hope I'll be able to serve my fellow missionaries well with love!

Well, that's all for this week! The Lord is good and He loves you so much! 

Sincerely, Elder Habel

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