Monday, December 20, 2021

Joyeux Noël

Bonjour tout le monde! I hope you each are doing very good, very happy, and safe! Christmas is already almost here which is astonishing! Time sure flies by! 

This week was awesome! I was able to go on splits with Elder Huff! While we were together it felt like the Lord just kept putting His children on our path one after another! He led us to cross paths with many members who had need of us and of His word! Miraculously two people (Frère Kana Amour) who we were able to contact came to church without us calling them! It was pretty spectacular! Humbly listening to the Spirit leads to many little miracles!

As for the rest of the week Elder Mboungou and I were able to see once again the Lord do His thing! Frère Joresse is super excited to be baptized in January! He just devours everything we give him and his hard work really does show! I love these people so much! The Lord is good!

As we were talking to a member the Lord mercifully showed me a truth of which I will forever be grateful. The Spirit of Christmas is the grateful adoration of the Savior and everything He is and has done for us and; I would like to specify this "and" here, our families. Because of Him and His loving sacrifice we can be together and refine ourselves together forever as individuals and as families. Because of Him, we can achieve our complete destiny as individuals and as families. The sting of death is no more because of Him! What a wonderful gift! Christmas = The Christ + the family! We were testifying of the temples of God as this thought "clicked" in my mind thanks to the Spirit! I am very grateful for my Savior Jésus Christ. I know my soul has been healed by His love, and that He lives!

So with this wonderful truth that we have that God loves us, sent His son to die for us, and that we can be together and be better together forever because of Him I invite you to share it. Share His light! What joy and light and warmth will fill your life! It surely has filled mine. 

Well, all in all, I love you each and thank you each for what you have done for me, for your families, and for your God! 

Ayez un Joyeux Noël (Have a Merry Christmas)! 
Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

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