Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Seventy and a Stroll

 Bonjour! Mboté! Kolélé! 

I hope each of you individually is happy, safe, and that you can feel the love of God in your hearts. That you can always feel His presence in your life.

And if you can't...keep in there. It is good to choose to hold on. God always; sooner or later, accomplishes His promises.

As for this week, we had the pleasure and the great honor to welcome Elder Mutombo of the Seventy to our mission! He did a tour of our mission and it was amazing to listen to what the Spirit had him say! He is a very bright, happy, and patient person. He follows the Spirit with love. As he was teaching us here are some lessons I learned: 

1) Listen to the Spirit and to what Christ tells us.
2) Don't let your worries and fears harm your faith in Christ. 3 Néphi 11: 7, 9-11
2) Humility leads perfectly to obedience. Soumettons-nous à la volonté de Dieu (Lets us submit to the will of God)!
3) We need to lovingly help our brothers and sisters come unto Christ and help them receive the blessings from their Heavenly Father in the temple. Don't be afraid to share the truth.

To be brief it was a very reaffirming visit. 

As for our area this week, we miraculously were able to accomplish much, especially considering the fact we only had two days to go out into our area! I would like to share an example of the divine aid we received. We were rounding down a day in one of our areas out in the countryside. We were walking towards the "terminus" (a dirt round point,  ridden with potholes, and  surrounded by one-story, shack-style stores) when a lady who was walking by us said, "Bonjour les Elders!" Instantly our attention was attired! We started talking and we realized she had already been visited by previous missionaries. She had come to church numerous times but it had been years since the missionaries came by. So she invited us to come and teach her family! We gladly took the invitation, had a wonderful little stroll through the countryside, and up a mountain (okay maybe it wasn't so little of a stroll haha). At her house, we taught her family, which was incredible! The next day, two of her brothers (Frère Ruphy and Frère Gédeon) came to church! It was quite the tender mercy from Heavenly Father!

Thus, Heavenly Father this week once again showed His hand in our lives. To close, I am deeply thankful for each of your examples and for your impact on my life. I have realized God often communicates His love to His children through His children. May we each be ready and willing to help God express His love. 

Like always, and always with sincerity, I hope each of you experiences many tender miracles from God in these days ahead of us. I love you and He loves you more!

Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel

1 comment:

  1. Elder Habel, I want you to know how proud I am of you. I read most of your posts but haven't commented. I love your stories and your testimony. It takes a lot to get out and serve a mission and make it your life's mission for two years to serve the Lord. Or maybe it doesn't because you have a strong enough testimony that you know the Lord needs you to serve those here upon the earth. You are making such a huge difference in The Congo. Keep up the great work and never let go of that testimony.
    Love & {{{hugs}
    Sr Hoffman
