Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Je veux être un instrument de Dieu

Mboté et bonjour! 

I hope each of you made some awesome memories this past week! 

This week me and Elder Mboungou made some pretty epic ones!

First, While we were with one of our friends (Frère Bizénga) we were in the middle of talking about giant lizards, snakes, spiders, crocodiles, and bats that he has seen when someone came up selling this lovely lizard that you see in the pictures from this week. (It was 3500 FRC which is like 5 or 6 bucks in the states. Don't worry we didn't buy it haha). Apparently, when you get away from the city the animals are a problem. To confirm this, our friend Bizénga told us that he had killed a venomous snake earlier that morning at his house! Also learned that there was a whole village that got invaded by snakes to the point where they've abandoned it. To sum it up, let's just say these experiences have increased the reasons that I'm not going out too far into the boonies any time soon! 

Secondly, Frère Zepherin is the older man I am posing with! We had splits within our district and I got to go with Elder Tshikoyi into his area! We met with Frère Zepherin, a member, and talked to him about faith in Christ and the courage that He can give us! Very powerful conversation! Then we asked him if there was anyone he loved and wanted to share the Gospel with. After a nervous hesitation, he said yes! We encouraged him again with the scriptures and the Spirit blessed him with a strong courage, the sort which gave him the desire to exclaim 《je veux être un instrument de Dieu》《I want to be an instrument of God》!  With this newfound courage, we knocked on the door of his friend, who was at first a bit confused by our arrival. There we were: him looking at us deciding whether or not to let us in and the courage of Frère Zepherin being put to the test. Thankfully, after a long 3 seconds he let us in and we had a very good conversation with him! It was awesome to see Heavenly Father help his son have courage and be successful as well!

Thirdly, we had an epic baptismal service for Sœur Benicia, Sœur Beldrine et Sœur Merile, ane Frère Cléo! Lots of members came, the families of our friends came as well and everyone had a good time! These four precious people really wanted to be baptized and it was awesome to help them reach their goal! 


Well, that's what happened this week! God is good. He loves each of us greatly! Hope y'all have a good week! 

Avec amour, Elder Habel.

(It was raining sideways. It was funny to see the raindrops under the roof of the balcony haha)

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