Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bonjour à chacun de vous!

Bonjour à chacun de vous! J'aspire pour le jour que je puisse vous revoir tous de nouveau! (Hello to each of you! I long for the day that I can see you all again!)


This week was awesome! We had zone council which was very productive! We taught everyone how to teach by the manner of the Lord! 

1) Love those souls which you teach!
2) Teach by the Spirit!
3) Teach the Doctrine du Père Céleste (of the Heavenly Father)!
4) Favoriser (Promote) an active learning experience (by assuring the follow-up)!

We did so by using the Book of Mormon, a book of ancient holy scriptures similar to the bible which confirms Jesus is indeed the Christ! It was a very neat experience! I felt like by teaching this lesson we were able to show a good example which is key to progression!

Besides that, Elder Nymbwé and his companions saw a hippo! They were just so nice to send us a video of the hippo! These last couple of weeks the Lord has been giving us a jungle cruise! Maybe next week I'll see an elephant!

It's an experience like that which helps me reflect and then appreciate all the Lord has given me! Cool animals, marvelous experiences, and people that treat us with so much love. For example, Sister Grace basically fed us and Brother Paulviche and Brother Dugué every day this week! 


We also had the wonderful experience to baptise Sister Charity! She had been ready since the beginning of the month but she had to take care of some tests thus the reason she got baptized this week! Also, Brother Dubrel and Sister Corrine are going to get married here soon on July 9th! We also have the mother of Sister Rayonne and Sister Riche de Grace who is a big-time Pasteur who wants to get married and baptized! (*Deep breath*) Fr. Dugué, Mardoché, and Samuel are going to be baptized this next week! Truly the Lord is good! He is always there by our side in our afflictions if we follow Him! 



Of all the things for which I am full of gratitude, my relationship with the Spirit, my Big Brother Jésus Christ, and my Heavenly Father are by far the most valuable to me!

Je vous aime! Je prie que vous ayez le succèss et la réussite en tout ce que vous entreprendrez à faire! (I love you! I pray that you have success in whatever you undertake to do!)

Avec amour, Elder Habel





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