Saturday, July 2, 2022

The dinosaur of the Congo

This week was awesome!
  • We had zone conference. 
  • We taught with members in almost every lesson. 
  • I went on an epic exchange with Elder Freeman. We taught a family mourning the loss of their mother the Plan of Exaltation grace à L'Expiation du Christ (The Atonement of Christ). It was epic. 
  • The Lord granted us the occasion to baptize Sister Sarah, Brother Mardoché, and Brother Samuel! 




God is good. He fights for His children. Our big brother Jesus Christ is truly the guardian at the door.

Je vous aime, chacun entre vous. I love you, each one of you.

Soyons courageux pour le Christ, car Il marche devant nous avec une épée flamboyante. Let us be courageous for Christ, for He walks before us with a flaming sword.

Avec beaucoup d'amour (With much love, Elder Habel), Elder Habel


*The ground shakes* ((Boom, boom, boom!))

Elder Habel is dumbfounded! 

He looks up in awe through the jungle brush! His companion starts running away at lightning speed through the thick foliage as if it wasn't there screaming:

"Ça n'est pas Frère Steve ce n'est pas Frère Steve!"  "It's not Brother Steve it's not Brother Steve!"

The beast let loose a blood curdling《quack》! It looks at him with eyes burning with a lustful hunger for mundele flesh! It starts screaming and rushes at Elder Habel with a bill wide open ready to devour. 

Elder Kadiata comes flying back, grabs the dumbfounded Elder Habel, and starts running. They run, and run, and run, screaming as they flee the dinosaur of the congo! 

"Jamais encore, jamais encore! Nous ne reviendrons plus ici!"
"Never again, never again! We won't be coming here again!"

"Pourquoi doivent-ils être si bizaires les coordonnées de Facebook!"
"Why do they have to be so weird about Facebook contact details!"


"Il va nous manger! Il va nous manger!" 
"He's going to eat us! He's going to eat us!"

The beast was gaining on them. The jungle cleared. A cliff to a lake below reveals itself.


They are at the edge.


They go to jump.

The Spirit reminds them that swimming is against the missionary rules. "Oh pas maintenant!" "Oh not now!"

They stood at the edge. The Beast approached. 

The Spirit whispers in their ears. They look at each other and they know what to do. In full sprint, the beast is charging them. They don't move. They stand firm. Three steps, two steps, one step! The beast goes to chomp them with its bill.

But they aren't there. They jumped to the side at the last possible second. The beast tumbles down the jungle cliff, its momentum carrying it to a watery demise. They watched, exhausted and breathing heavily.

A few moments later...

"Mais seriusement où est le frère steve?" "But seriously where is brother steve?"




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