Sunday, July 10, 2022



This week was rather splendid! Had a good district council and a good technology mega zone conference! I had the pleasure to teach how to use the Gospel library! Truly is it a blessing that we have so much access to the word of God and noting what the Spirit teaches us! To organize what the Spirit teaches you so you can use it later is an important principle I have learned on my mission.  

We also were able to have a splendid baptismal service for Brother Dugué, Brother Goffel, Sister Godwill, and Brother Béni! It was a very edifying baptismal service! I am very grateful for the opportunities the Lord has given me to break the chains of hell which surround these, my beloved brethren, by the power of Christ! When we share the Gospel and live it with love together we break the chains of sin and pain which enfold us! We then are warmly embraced by His love! 




And wow I sure do love the feeling of His reassuring and infinite love! Come unto Christ and He will fill you with His love!

I love each and every single one of you! I pray you have fantastic and life-changing moments often during your life!

With love to His name, Elder Habel!





How long had it been since they had seen the light?

How long had it been since they knew the freedom of not having a ball and chain around their ankles?

I looked at them. They looked back at me. One turned an evil yellow eye and stared me up and down. Sizing me up for my mundele flesh and my money. 

They were gangsters. Locked up for who knows what. 

The warden talks to us, "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" "What's wrong?"

The gangsters start clucking amongst themselves. The warden's attention is fixed on us. 

"Oh ce n'est rien! On regarde seulement les prisonniers!" "Oh it's nothing! We only look at the prisoners!"

The door behind the warden creaks. The wide yellow eyes of the prisoners fix themselves on the flimsy sheet metal door. 

"NE LES REGARDEZ PAS!" "DON'T LOOK AT THEM!" The warden starts tearing into us. The gangsters notice.

Then in a flurry of feathers, one bursts towards the door! Elder Kadiatia and I are dumbfounded! With his plump little body, he knocks down the door!


He starts running again but... the ball and the chain. 

They slow him down.

He turns around trying to drag behind him the immense weight of the ball and chain (or more accurately the rope and the stick).

"Pas cette-fois-ci!" "Not this time!" The warden grabs the burdensome stick, lifts up the gangster, and throws the helpless gangster chicken back into the parcel. All is well. The gangster chickens won't be spreading their terror this time around.

Thanks for reading the short story! Hope you enjoyed it! 


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