Friday, July 15, 2022

One more month!


Bonjour tout le monde! Hello everyone! I hope you each feel loved, protected, and happy! 


This week we had some exciting things happen:

1) Sr. Corrine and Fr. Dubrel got married!
2) We had elections this Sunday so we had to stay in our apartments! Nothing serious happened. 
3) I got the news that I'm getting transferred back to Guynemer to finish my mission!

I am going to miss Mfilou 2 A LOT. I love the friends and family I have made here thanks to the Lord. For this last transfer, I have much faith in the Lord that all will be well. I trust in Him. I believe He knows and wants what is best for me and His children. 

So I will follow Him. I will give all my life to Him!

Love, Elder Habel




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