Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Congo Cat Fishing

Bass pro shop "cat" fishing competition: Congo style

As you can tell from the title this week I have a story to tell you.

Congo homeless men pretending to be women? No.

Village people fishing up a catfish that ate a person? Nope guess again.

A cat that is actually a fish and the Congolese people catch them? Well...strangely enough of all the guesses this is slightly accurate.

There we were at the end of the street talking to a member about how we could work with him to help his friends. Then, like a world-class hunter seeing prized prey, he looked down at the other end of the street with awe and excitement. 

We looked with him to see what exactly was happening. 

A young man had climbed onto the back of an old, red, and broken truck with a makeshift fishing pole. A screaming cat was at the end of his pole: trying to tear away the noose around the middle of its body. 

"Ooh, he got a good one!" our friend mumbled, his mouth watering as he looked on in a hypnotized and dazed liked condition. 

As he was saying this, two other quite gleeful and quite hungry young men came up with a tub and stuffed the shrieking cat into the container. 


Then our friend continued with the conversation.

Why did they catch the cat?
Why would anyone want to eat a cat?

So many "why" questions. Then there came a very piercing "why" question.

How did we get here? That men catch cats like fish? To survive? How have we not progressed past this?

Thus I learned the importance of gratitude. Being grateful is a happy thing. Life could always be a lot harder. I am grateful for my Savior who suffered all in the hardest (most compassionate) way possible (DA 19:15-16). 

Besides this episode of "cat" fishing, I had a very wonderful week working with Elder Nymbwé Kat. He dances, he cooks, he sings, he writes, he teaches well, he's funny and he's kind. I bought a cake as a little surprise for his birthday. It said "franchement H.B.D Elder Kat." He loves to use "franchement". I know it. He knows it. So when it was on the cake we both had an insane surge of joy and laughter. What a wonderfully joyful experience full of brotherly love. I am going to have a blast these last couple of weeks here on my mission. Heavenly Father has shown His love to us. 



Also, a shout out to Sister Corinne and Brother Dubrel! They got married and baptized! I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes families for the better and gives them joy!

I am very grateful for each and every one of you. May God ever be with each of you!

Avec amour, Elder Habel










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