Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Cheese Puff Tag & Ice Scrapers

Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! 

I hope each of you are doing fabulous! Pat yourselves on the back as well because you made it! It's 2021! 2020 is in the rearview mirror, already far behind us!

As for adventures we had plenty of them! We were heading back home from P-day and some other Elders tried to pawn off a big tub of cheese puffs on us! We were already drowning in food from members so we couldn't let that happen! Thus began a game of tag with the cheese puffs! Elder Hawkins ran them down while they were driving out of the church parking lot and threw it into their car through their open window! We hightailed it back to our own car but they blocked us from backing out with their car as they dropped the cheese puffs right behind us and dipped out of there as fast as they could! We then made a plan and executed it to perfection! We played football with those same Elders at their apartment complex and then right before we left we put the cheese puffs on top of their car! We had a good laugh about it especially after we heard what happened next! Apparently, one of their potential member friends saw the cheese puffs chilling on top of their car. He took them into his apartment and texted those Elders to come by and get them. They ended up teaching him a lesson because of that! We inadvertently set up a lesson for them!

Later on, in the week it snowed pretty good while I was on exchanges with Elder Loesh. We were going to go meet Chris; one of our friends, for lunch and a lesson. We got out to the car to leave when we found it covered in ice. The only problem was we didn't have an ice scraper! So being "ingenious" elders, we grabbed a spatula from the Doniphan Elders and attempted to scrape the ice off with it! The spatula actually worked pretty spectacularly! We were able to make it to lunch with Chris and we had a super good time and spiritual discussion! After hearing about our ordeal with the Spatula, Chris graciously gave us a really good ice scraper! It just might work better than our spatula! 

I also accidentally broke the word of wisdom! We were over at Sister Goodpasture's house ministering to her with Sister Campbell. We got talking about chocolate and she mentioned this really good chocolate she had. If you know me at all you'll be able to attest that I am a sucker for chocolate big time! She started listing off the ingredients: chocolate, honey, etc, as soon as I heard chocolate and honey Sister Campbell and I were both eager to have some! The catch is there were more ingredients than just honey and chocolate: there were coffee beans! Of course, we found this out after we each unknowingly stuffed a piece into our mouths! We had a good laugh about that and we are slowly but surely working with Sister Goodpasture. 

For New Years' we had a fun evening of making toasts and doing stick pull wrestling with Elder Miller, Elder Livingston, Elder Wood, and Elder Owens! It was really fun but the greatest and best thing that happened this week happened when the Treml's came to church! The fast and testimony meeting was full of astounding testimonies! They really enjoyed it and we are excited about continuing our friendship and helping them progress to develop the desire to be baptized! 

Overall it was a really exciting week! I hope you all have a good New Year! Je vous aime!

Love, Elder Habel 

The smiley, kind potato; my White Elephant present.

Rare sightings of the "Sasquachinston"  

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