Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Bonjour et soyez le bienvenu tout le monde! Je vous souhaite que vous aurez une très bonne semaine et que toutes vos prières et rêves seront repondu selon la volonté de Notre Père Céleste! (Hello and welcome everyone! I hope that you will have a very good week and that all your prayers and dreams will be answered according to the will of our Heavenly Father!)

Ma semaine ici était pliene des bons choses! (My week here was full of good things!) We had the grand pleasure to teach Frère Stanislas about le mode de vie du Christ: Son Évangile (about the way of life of Christ: His Gospel). He gladly accepted, having faith in Christ to the point of producing the continuous "changment de cœur" (se repentir) which leads to us wanting to attach ourselves to our Savior through Baptism! He loves the thought of having the Holy Ghost with him and he wants to keep the commandments of God forever! Honestly, it was quite amazing how full-heartedly he accepted le mode de vie du Christ (Christ's way of life). We then taught Frère Stanislas about la parole de Sagesse (the word of Wisdom)! If you remember, Sœur Goretti referred us to him because of this struggle of his: drinking. When we arrived at the leçon (lesson) we asked what he learned from le bronchure à la Parole de Sagesse. He then bore testimony that after reading le bronchure his eyes were opened to how he needed to change his life and give it to God. He told us dévorenant il niera l'acool et le tabaac (he will deny alcohol and tobacco) because he knows that it won't bring him any lasting happiness. He told us how he wants to repent every day! He is converted unto the Lord! He has come unto Christ and s'est repenti (and repented)! His soul has been healed by Christ! He is my miracle. 

I promise if you turn unto Christ through repentance He will HEAL you. Heal you à fin queue (to the end that) you will be complete and happy: full of purpose and hope. The commandments are given by Christ to protect us, keep us happy and improve our lives. 

This week we moved apartments. We live among the people. I've appreciated the ability to get water like them. We are blessed. 

I'm moving to Point Noire! I'll send pictures! Guynemer is where I was healed by the Lord. I have learned much but I still have a long way to go. I deeply love the people I have had the miracle to meet here. Saying goodbye was tough but I will make sure their memory and our friendships will live on! Because they are wonderful and you have to meet them! 

I love each of you! 

Avec sincérité, je vous aime (With sincerity, I love you)! Elder Habel










'Til we meet again, so long Guynemer.

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