Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bonjour mon amis et mon famille!

 Dear people that I love, 

Bonjour mon amis et mon famille! I hope you all have had a fantastic week or day or at least a minute. You all deserve at least a year of good things, so I hope at least some things are going well! If things are not going particularly well have faith in the Savior and His Atonement. Go and feast upon the words of Christ. I know that helps me when I am having a rough day. 

John 14:26, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid." 

Matthew 11:28-30, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." 

Hopefully, these scriptures give you hope! The Savior loves you and wants to help you! 

As for the MTC my mind is still getting torn apart and I am loving it! The language is coming, and I can bear witness that gift of tongues is a real blessing. We taught a T.R.C. (Teaching Resource Center) to a French speaking person yesterday in class. We did some practice lessons that did not go well for me personally. We had ten minutes to do so and I accidentally wasted 5 of my comps' time because I could not understand them when they told us to go to a certain scripture. I felt defeated and that if I were not a part of the lesson it would have gone better for everyone else. So, when we hopped on the zoom call with our ami Dorothee I was praying desperately to Heavenly Father to loosen my tongue so that I could at least share my love for her and his Son Jesus Christ. To put a long story short, I believe that was the best francais I have spoken up unto that point. I could understand her for the most part and the Holy Ghost brought words to my remembrance in the moment I needed them. The experience was very cool.  

Also, I received my reassignment to Independence, Missouri. I was excited for the clarity that the knowledge of my reassignment brought. As a missionary I am called to the work and to people, no matter the place. I cannot wait to serve diligently the people of Independence, Missouri. 

Thanks, as always, for reading my little speeches if you are one of those readers who make it to this point. If you didn't, I don't blame you, I write a lot. What's important is that you read the beginning and end of my letters.

Wisdom of the Week: 

Don't tear others down. Tearing down and berating others is easy to do. It does not show any courage or intelligence. All it reveals is fear, jealousy, and pride. Instead do as the Savior does: build people up! Listen and console. Be kind and encourage everyone for the good they do. Everyone has a story; we just need to sit down and listen. When we are a loving friend like the Savior is, that is when we grow true valiance, courage, and strength within ourselves. Build others up. Be kind. 

As always you all have my love. Till next time, may you always live love and may God bless you for the good deeds you do unto your fellow people. 

Love, Elder Habel


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