Sunday, September 13, 2020

That Missionary Life

Bonjour et bienvenue from the home online MTC (Missionary Training Center)! These first couple of days have been so awesome! It's kinda hard to put into words, but I will try, right here, right now I guess! To begin, let me first talk about how awesome my district is! I have been blessed to be in a district with eleven grand and determined missionaries! On the first day of MTC we got to know each other better and let me just say these Elders and Sisters are some awesome individuals! Elder Winward and I are called to serve in the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville mission. All of the other missionaries in our district are going to Tahiti and they are learning two languages! They all have warm personalities which melted the ice between us very quickly! I can't wait to keep learning about the language and growing in the sight of the Seigneur (The Savior) with them! 

Elder Winward was assigned to be my collègue (companion). He started out the first day in my contacts as 'MTC companion'. After fifteen minutes I was able to call him my 'new best friend'. Elder Winward is a sporty, outdoorsy type of dude that also loves action movies. We were able to hit it off right off the get go. I am stoked to be able to learn how to better teach the Gospel alongside him.

The glue however which keeps our district together are two wonderful individuals. Their names are Fr ere Sebra and Sœur Corrigan. They are our teachers for our MTC classes. They are as good of people as is their french (which is très bien, very good). When we first hopped online to start class, Fr ere Sebra, talked only in french. The fear and anxiety that coursed through our little district was immense as we thought he didn't know how to speak any anglais! However, sure enough, he started speaking English and class ensued. On the part of Sœur Corrigan she started teaching us a little later than Fr ere Sebra. When she did though, the Spirit filled my heart and witnessed to me of her patient, kind, and long-suffering soul. Sœur Corrigan reminds me of the Savior with her sweetness.

As you can see my teachers and classmates are some wonderful people! The MTC experience has had its share of ups and downs but with those individuals the experience has definitely been mainly ups. I would like to take this next part to share a tidbit on why I am serving a mission and to invite you all to do something.

I could probably write eight college thesis' about why I chose to serve a mission but the Spirit whispers to me to share a simpler message. I am serving my mission because I love my Heavenly Father and I love all of you. Heavenly Father has blessed my life in so many ways for in order to record them all I would have to write a whole library worth of books. I have been blessed to be His spiritual son and to know so (which in case you were wondering you too are a beloved son or daughter of Heavenly Father. I know super cool!). He has blessed my life with wonderful family and friends! He has blessed me with the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon through Joseph Smith and the First Vision (a miraculous series of events! If you have questions about it, email me. Most importantly He has given His son for me. "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life," (John 3:16). Through Jesus Christ and His Atonement all the pain, misery, sickness, heart ache, and despair we feel in this life can be relieved. 

I invite you to come unto Christ, study His works and ponder his love for you. For I know without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that both He and Heavenly Father love you more than you could ever comprehend. So please if you are going through a rough spot in your life or are feeling down trodden, forgotten, or straight up invisible know that you are not. Jesus Christ loves you and died for you so you can be happy. Please reach out and please be kind to one another. 

The world is a mean place. People have a lot on their plates. Be kind. Love your neighbor. Be slow to judge. Be perfectly honest. Be quick to comfort those who stand in need of comfort. Mourn with those that mourn. Fall on your Savior and He will make your burdens light. 

Trust Him. Love Him. Love Others.

Till next time, always remember my love,

Caleb :)

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