Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bonjour mes amis et me famille! Je esperant que vous allez bien!

Bonjour mes amis et me famille! Je esperant que vous allez bien! I hope that you are doing well! I pray that all of you find the love our Heavenly Father has for you in your life! I pray that good luck will grace all you do and that innumerable blessings will follow all your good deeds! 

    I can't believe I am beginning my last week of the MTC. To each of my district members (Soeur Storms, Soeur Teisina, Soeur Hales, Soeur Jones, Soeur Konold, Elder Pabst, Elder Bohman, Elder Anderson, Elder Hansen, and Elder Winward) know that when you read this that I will miss each of you with all of my heart! Each of you has inspired me with your brilliant testimonies and knowledge. Each of you, at one point in time have inspired me when I was feeling low: whether it be from your tearful testimonies, your heartfelt jokes, your soulful smiles or just a pleasant conversation. Each of you have touched my life, my very soul, very deeply. I can't wait to make this last week in the MTC the best one yet with each of you.

    I had a very tender experience this week. Before my little sister Josie went in for surgery, I had the sacred and humbling opportunity to give her a priesthood blessing. My grandpa can attest that I was nervous, and my brother can tell you it was not perfect but the Spirit we felt was so special. As I called upon Heavenly Father to help me, the Holy Ghost loosened my tongue. The words I spoke were not my own but His. I bear my solemn witness that the power of the Priesthood is real. I know the Priesthood is the power of God, given to man by God, to serve His children. I can bear testimony if we have faith in Jesus Christ, He will answer our heartfelt pleadings, and tearful petitions. This experience made me truly have faith in Him. As soon as I heard Josie was alright and that the surgery went well, beyond what the surgeon had expected, I felt the love of the Lord. The tears streamed to my eyes as I felt in my burning heart the impression of the Lord's love for my sister Josie and for my family. He suffered the path before her already. Through Him all will be made well. I felt His love for me; His mercy and wisdom for letting me be a part of that sacred blessing. I am so happy to know that the Savior is willing to let me, a little 18-year-old elder, be His instrument in loving and healing those that He loves infinitely. I am also thankful for modern medicine! What a great day and age we live in!    

    I was graced again with another sacred and humbling opportunity to grow spiritually this week. Me and my companion, Elder Winward, taught our francais ami, Dorothee. We tried something new that day when we went to teach her. We followed where the Spirit led, ask questions when we felt prompted, and minister to Dorothee instead of trying to preach. I give all the credit to my companion Elder Winward. I am a worrier. He softened my heart and calmed my fears about silences and pauses. The lesson we were able to teach, the truths we were able to testify of; all came to be because we followed the Spirit. We shared scriptures and bore testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For He is mighty to save and loves each of us infinitely. We testified that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ. We shared scriptures that showed His hand in the Book of Mormon. Overall, the experience changed me because now I don't think two years will be enough time. The joy I felt from seeing our ami feeling joy and peace was indescribable. I want to be like our Savior Jesus Christ.

    I also had the chance to watch General Conference with my family. May we take the messages we hear and apply them to our lives. Treat others with respect and love, foster unity in our families and communities, rely on the Savior through these tough times. Pray to Heavenly Father: He will hear you. He will answer you. 

    As always, know that I love you, know that Heavenly Father loves you, know that Jesus Christ loves you, know that the Holy Ghost loves you. know that you are loved; no matter what.

Keep the commandments of God. 

Remember the two greatest commandments.

Live love.


Till next time, a bientôt et au revoir! 

Love, Elder Habel


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