Monday, December 21, 2020

"Tire on Fire"


Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! 

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone one of you has had a wonderful holiday and are feeling the Christmas spirit, I know I am! 

We have had the pleasure to have been given such a great area from the Lord! The members are doing a great job at feeding us, helping teach others, and finding people who are ready to be taught! Those that are part of our teaching pool are doing well and we had a lot of breakthroughs this week, which leads us to (drum roll please)!!!


(*Indiana Jones theme starts playing in the background*) 

Our daring "encounter" of the week involved lots of dirt, fire, and wheelbarrow 'airplane" flights!! To begin, earlier on in the week we had our first sit down lesson with Chris Thomas! He was eager to learn and we had a good spiritual discussion! We gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to read it! Life goes on and later in the week we get this out of the blue text from Chris! He needed help moving this big pile of dirt from his front yard to his backyard. We dropped everything we were doing and rushed on over to help him! He really appreciated our help! We helped him haul wheelbarrow loads full of dirt up and down and back and forth between his front and back yard. Let’s just say it was a good workout and that I appreciated receiving it! All seemed well and good for a while until one time up the hill to the backyard the wheelbarrow wheel fell off!! We dumped the dirt and then looked up on YouTube how to seal it back on so we could fill it up with air. The solution presented before us was to use WD40 and then light it on fire. So, like any sane person, we took the advice! The first couple of times all that happened was a "Tire on Fire" (trademark pending) but after really soaking the inside of the tire with it we were able to get the tire to seal back up! It was epic! Around this time Chris’ kids got home from school so they eagerly started to help! I ended up pushing the wheelbarrow full of dirt up and down with his kids riding in it! We had a lot of fun! He was impressed and very thankful. So much so he invited us to have lunch with him! All in all, it was quite an adventure!  


To end, I love each of you! Know the Lord loves you perfectly and He wants the absolute and truthful best for you (John 15:9-11)! Trust Him, love Him, and strive to be like Him!


Love, Elder Habel 


Also, I got my shots for Africa this week in downtown KC! I was the only one who could go into the hospital. These pictures go to show what Elders do when they are bored waiting in the car!

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