Thursday, December 17, 2020

Good Laughs and Tender Moments

 Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! How goes it? I hope each of you had a wonderful week!

This week went really well! We were able to teach a lot of lessons to members and non-members alike! We went out a couple nights and knocked doors with members and were able to have some good laughs and some tender moments! 

If you are wondering if there is a funny story from this week I got a pretty good one for you! We had zone conference this week at 9:30 a.m on Tuesday. This is where all the missionaries in our area would meet together to receive training from leadership. President Ames would be there and there would be car inspections as well. We left at 9 (it was 15 minutes away) so we felt pretty good about our chances of getting there on time. The only problem is when we tried to clean the car the gas station car wash ended up being closed! We frantically tried to find a car wash because we had been doing a lot of service projects and let's just say the car was not the cleanest whatsoever! After skirting rapidly through town we finally found an open car wash! To our dismay though, the car wash ended up being a pretty cheap job. By this time it was 9:15 and we had no time to vacuum out all the leaf debris in the car! Like a cross between Fast and Furious, the movie and The Best Two Years, we raced to get there on time! We were hurriedly responding to the inquiries of zone leaders as we were giving directions! It looked like we were going to make it! Well almost...all the way up till we missed the exit. That was the finishing blow. We rolled in late, in a barely washed car, which apparently had a reflector taken off by the car wash! We also found out we were actually supposed to be there at 9! Let's just say that was a fun adventure! 

As for the spiritual highlight of the week, we were able to have a couple of the people we have been teaching get to church! Shelly was able to watch church over the zoom link! I am so grateful to have modern technology helping us out in this wonderful work! 

Speaking of the wonders of modern technology, here's a cool story! We have been striving to find people in our area over Facebook posts and whatnot. From one of the posts, a person started responding super well so we brought up that we were missionaries. She responded she was actually a member and she was from Canada but she said she wanted to help! Long story short we are now going to teach her friend in Kentucky via zoom while she zooms from Canada! Goes to show that the Lord's work goes on no matter the circumstances! 

Know that I care deeply for each and everyone one of you! I am so thankful and grateful for how each of you has influenced my life for the better! I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! 

Till next time, au revior et a bientot! 

Love, Elder Habel

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