Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Congo and a Key

Bonjour tout les mondes! 

I hope all of you had a great week and that each of you are staying safe and happy! I pray that each of you are enjoying the holiday season! 

As for me, my week was pretty good! We were able to teach a lot of lessons and do some more service! A piece of revelation I received this week was the brilliance of God's timing. Although we were disappointed the Green's couldn't make it to church last Sunday that opened the door for us to ask Sister McKeever if she would want to do a lesson with us. Long story short we were able to teach her nonmember son Nathan! Whenever people cancel and our schedule is wrecked, I take pleasure in seeking the Lord's schedule. Those are always the best phone calls, contacts, and Facebook work! 

Also, I guess I should include that this week I got the date for when I'm leaving for the Congo! President Ames tried to call us twice, but we were in lessons each time he attempted to get a hold of us! Thankfully the third time was a charm and he told me I will be leaving on January 28th for The Republic of Congo! It was some pretty bittersweet news. Bitter, because I love the people here so much already, and leaving will be tough! Sweet, because I will be going to the place and people where the Lord needs me to be! I am excited to continue following the Lord and to keep having adventures with Him and His people!  

Speaking of adventures; there was a funny one that happened this week! The car we share with the Doniphan Elders is a push start Chevy Equinox (trust me this is going somewhere). We were driving to our different dinner appointments. We dropped them off at theirs and drove to ours. When we got to ours, we realized they still had the key for the car! Since they still had the key, we wouldn't be able to start the car again! We wouldn't be able to go back to pick them up and they had to somehow get to us and return the key! So, we ended up teaching our lesson while the other Elders had to walk all the way to the highway and get a member to give them a ride back to us so we could start the car again with the key! Let’s just say it wasn't our brightest moment, lol, but it was quite the adventure!  

Know that I love each and every one of you! Till next time mes amis!


Love, Elder Habel


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