Monday, January 18, 2021

Be of good cheer!


Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! 

I hope each of you had a fabulous week! Times may be crazy but what else is new? You each have my love and know you have our Savior's love! In John 16:33 our Savior reminds us lovingly, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!" 

So, let's take up the Savior's invitation and "be of good cheer" despite the craziness of the world as we remember His merits, mercy, and grace!  

This week we helped a lot of people. We helped Chris pour some concrete and haul some branches to a dumpster! We helped some members move into the ward and another family with throwing stuff into a dumpster (kind of funny how much time we spent with dumpsters haha but C'est la vie). 

By far the best highlight of the week was meeting with Eric and Megan each time! The Holy Ghost is deeply present at each of our discussions which brings me so much joy! I often reflect upon our experiences together and I am filled with joy seeing the tender mercies of the Lord guiding both our paths. 

One of the grandest manifestations from these experiences is being reminded of how true Jesus Christ's Church is. I know the Restoration of His Gospel by the Prophet Joseph Smith is true. That in all reality God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son God came to Joseph Smith! Think of the grandeur and mercy of God in that! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to him! Jesus Christ restored His full teachings and doctrine through the Prophet Joseph Smith! Our Savior's way is the way to eternal life with God! He has restored the truths and principles to living life! He still lives, He still speaks, His Church and Gospel is the living truth! 

Know that I love each and everyone one of you. God loves you and wants to give you everything He has. 

Till next time, Love, Elder Habel 


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